Focus Topics

Energy Efficiency & Sustainability


Promoting innovative technologies and energy sources in partnership with EUDCA
In an ever-evolving digital landscape, it is critical for data centers to stay at the forefront of technology. Our working group encourages collaboration with the European Data Center Association (EUDCA) to explore and promote innovative technologies that can not only improve data center performance, but also increase their energy efficiency and reduce their environmental impact.

Creating best practices
We analyze industry best practices, conduct surveys, and consult with experts to develop practical guidelines and recommendations. These best practices are designed to help our members reduce their operating costs while improving their environmental footprint.

Improving Energy Efficiency and reducing carbon footprint
Energy efficiency is a key aspect of data center sustainability, and reducing the carbon footprint is an important goal for the entire industry. SDCA as a co-founder of the Swiss Datacenter Efficiency Association (SDEA) is participating actively on developing ideas that increase the energy efficiency of data centers and reduce their carbon footprint.

Head of Working Group


The other Board members Stefan Mayer, Yves Zischek and Roger Sueess complete the team of this working group.

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