SDCA welcomes HSLU (Lucern University) as a new member.
The Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts is the university of applied sciences of the six Central Swiss cantons. More than 8,100 students are working towards a Bachelor’s or a Master’s degree, while an additional 12,000 participate in continuing and executive education programs – including almost 5,000 in CAS, DAS and MAS programs and some 250 yearly new research projects. The Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts is the largest university level institution in Central Switzerland.
At the Department of Engineering and Architecture, the Institute of Building Technology and Energy (IGE) has been involved in the field of data centers for many years.
For example, various national studies for the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE) or normative principles in the context of asut or SIA have been developed at the IGE. The HSLU and the IGE are also founding members of the SDEA and are represented on its board. Appropriate laboratory infrastructures are available on the campus and innovative solutions for applications in sustainable data centers can be developed and analyzed in operation together with industry.
We look forward to a successful and longstanding membership in the SDCA.

Prof. Adrian Altenburger
Institute and program management
“Switzerland as a data center location can also secure a top position in the international benchmark thanks to high energy efficiency and systemic innovation.”
Sergio Milesi
President of SDCA
“We are delighted to be working with the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts to drive forward the development of the SDCA and to benefit from their valuable expertise.“