Welcome NorthC as a new data centre member of SDCA

SDCA welcomes NorthC as a new member

With its 3 data centres in the region of Seeland and Northwest Switzerland, NorthC is an important player on the Swiss market. NorthC focuses on 3 strategic pillars, Datacenter and Colocation, Connectivity and Cloud Connect.

In addition, NorthC also operates data centres in Holland and Germany and can therefore also serve international customers.

NorthC is one of the first data centre operators to use green hydrogen technology as a backup power supply, and they have set themselves the goal of being 100% CO2 neutral in all data centres by 2030.

We wish NorthC much success and a successful and long lasting membership in the SDCA!

Mark Thommen
Managing Director / Country Manager NorthC
“With our strategy of regional data centre locations, we, unlike our competitors, specifically seek geographical proximity to the companies. SDCA is an important partner for us to be able to consistently implement this strategy in Switzerland.”

Sergio Milesi, President of SDCA
“I am very pleased to welcome NorthC as a member. NorthC’s data centres are an important pillar for the Seeland and Northwest Switzerland. In addition, customers can also benefit from international connections. I look forward to supporting NorthC as an association for their development in Switzerland, and to their inputs.”



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